Tuesday, February 14, 2012

101 / 1001

I am going to be trying the 101 / 1001 Challenge- also known as the Day Zero Project. Here's the list.

Help Others
Leave 25 encouraging notes for strangers
Influence a person to make a Day Zero list
Say something nice to someone every single day
Compliment five strangers
Make someone's day extraordinary
Donate to the OLL
Do ten nice things for people without telling them
Donate 3+ books to the library
Teach someone a new skill
Buy lunch for someone low on cash
Make someone smile... 50 times
Tell someone s/he's a good friend
Talk to someone in a group who looks out of place
Give a just-because present

Help Myself
Do stretches at least twice a week for a month
Learn some yoga or Pilates- at least six poses
Drink no soda for a month
Go a day without technology
Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
Don't complain about anything for a week
Make a list of 100 things that make me happy
Eat a fruit and vegetable each day for two weeks
Spend a school-and-work free day outside
Say yes to everything for one day
Note one good thing that happens every day
Go to the dentist for a check up
Go a day without my cell phone
Make a promise to myself and keep it
Drink only water, milk, and tea for a week
Lotion every day for a week
Don't look in the mirror for 24 hours
Try a new vegetable
Try a new fruit
Try three new kinds of tea
Go a week without contacts
Go a day without makeup (and leave the house)
Go on a 30+ minute hike
Go a day without saying "disgusting," "ew," etc

Hobbies New and Old
Finish editing my second novel
Submit my novel to at least ten publishers / agents
Read all of the novels I own but haven't yet read
Practice viola four times weekly for a month
Read five new classics
Read Les Miserables
Read a book in French
Play through Handel's Concerto in B Minor
Finish the notebook I'm working on now
Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet
Learn a new Irish folk tale
Own 150 books
Learn a new poem
Enter a writing contest
Complete a new short story
Ice skate again
Win NaNoWriMo again
Meditate on a beach

Try New Things
Bake a cake
Make an entire dinner
Get my driver's license
Complete at least three freelancing jobs
Find a French pen pal
Go to the art museum
Write with my right hand for a day
Write a hand written letter to someone
Stay up all night
Go a day without sarcasm
Move out
Learn to French braid
Go three days without looking at a clock
Bake someone something for a birthday
Spend an entire day in pajamas
For a day, listen to only instrumental music
Do something spontaneous
Have a Tarot reading
Mail each of my grandmothers
Put a bright, improbable colour in my hair
Hang out with someone entirely new

Kick Bad Habits
Contact Dad once weekly for a month
Make and follow a budget
Clean out all of my drawers & stuff piles
Go a month without my card
No texting for three days (or reading texts)
Go a day without using my iPod's skip button

Contact an old friend
Replace my burned-out lightbulbs
Make a snow angel
Clean out my iPod
Listen to all of the songs on my iPod in alphabetical order
Do a headstand
Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day
Patch my holey jeans
Donate blood again
Solve a Rubik's Cube
Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind"
Finish this list
Take a Young Me Now Me picture http://www.zefrank.com/youngmenowme/
Leave an anonymous confession somewhere
In one day, speak no more than 1000 words
Tell JM what a difference she's made in my life
Create a list of my screennames / passwords
Write a message in a public bathroom

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